Vanguard of Digital Signage

2008年8月29日 星期五

Digital Signage的內容開發技術

  1. Flash
  2. Direct 3D

特定平台 :
  1. WPF(Windows Presentation Foundation)是美國微軟公司推出.NET Framework 3.0的組成部分之一,它是一套基於XML.NET Framework向量繪圖(vector graphic)技術的展示層(presentation layer)開發框架,微軟視其為下一代使用者介面(user interface)技術,將廣泛被用於下一代的Windows平台(Windows Vista)的界面開發。
    WPF使用一種新的XAML(Extensible Application Markup Language)語言來開發界面,這將把界面開發以及後台邏輯很好的分開,降低了耦合度,使用戶界面設計師與程序開發者能更好的合作,降低維護和更新的成本。
    WPF/E 是WPF的子集合,全名是:Windows Presentation Foundation Everywhere。在基於XAML與JavaScript之下,可跨越各種平台,目前 WPF/E 已演化為 Microsoft Silverlight,擔負微軟在 RIA (Rich Interactive Application, Rich Internet Application) 領域,並正面與 Adobe Flash 競爭的產品。 (資料來源 :

2008年8月28日 星期四

引用--" 「藍芽」也能做行銷?數位媒體技術再出奇招"



  活動結束後,除了參與人數非常多之外,更是為摩托羅拉帶來強大品牌效益,也成為最有話題性的數位行銷成功案例。星傳媒體認為,除了手機和藍芽技術、電 子看板的結合外,如果加上網路平台就更完整了,離境旅客上傳的所有照片可以在網路上全部看到,是不是也能延伸活動效益呢?期待行銷人貢獻更聰明的創意。 (資料來源:星傳媒體月刊第26期)"

2008年8月22日 星期五


1. 組織背景 :
致力於數位看板, 通訊與視聽技術領域

2. 產品&服務 :
產品 :
1. Audiovisual (視聽室) :
-Training Rooms
-AV Carts
-Video Conferencing
-Public Address
-Digital Signage
-Music/Video Content
-Sound and Lighting
-Distance Learning
-Multimedia Network

2. Information Technology
-LAN/WAN Design & Installation
-Wireless Networks
-Data Cabling
-Security Audits
-Switches and Routers
-VPN - (Virtual Private Network)
-Data Center Design
-Server Installation
-Switch & Patch Panels
-Backup Design
-Disaster Recovery

3. Digital Signage
-Trade Shows Displays
-Retail Applications
-Corporate Environments
-Video Networks
-Private Functions

4. Telecommunications
-Phones Systems (Avaya and TalkSwitch)Cabling (Data, Voice)
-Conference Calling
-Professional Voice Recordings
-VOIP PBX Integration

5. Video Surveillance (錄影監控)
6. Video conferencing (錄影會議)

服務 :
1. IT Consulting
-Project Management Consulting Services
-The Promise of Customer Service
-Strategic Alliances

2. Web Development
-Web Designing
-Flash Banner
-Flash Intro
-Flash Site
-Web Development Process

3. Data Recovery

4. Audiovisual Services
-Maintenance and Service

5. Equipment Rentals

3. 應用案例 :

(資料來源 :

2008年8月21日 星期四

Advanced AV

1. 組織背景 :
1985年成立, 主要業務是網路系統開發與特殊的數位看板解決方案 (ex:選舉或會議的臨時舞台架設).
2. 產品&服務 :
1. 銷售與系統整合
2. 設計, 工程實施與安裝
3. 服務與維護
4. 專門的IT應用
- 數位看板
- 豐富媒體 : 用在遠距教學, 視訊會議
- Streaming Video (Video Over IP)
- Videoconferencing Solutions (網路輔助的會議)
5. Equipment Leasing Services (戶外多媒體設備出租)
3. 應用案例 :
1. Auditorium for Pharmaceutical Company : 大廳禮堂多媒體管理系統
特色 :
-Dual touch-screen control systems
-Audio- and video-teleconferencing
-4 cameras with remote pan/tilt/zoom
-Live video recording and distribution capabilities
-Multiple audio and video switchers/mixers

2. Cafeteria : 自助餐廳
特色 :
-5 projectors and 5 screens arranged in a horizontal array
-Audio- and video-teleconferencing
-Crestron control system

3. Fitness Center : 健身中心
特色 :
-Three LCD displays
-FM broadcasts of displayed video
-High-end audio system with subwoofer

(資料來源 : Advanced AV


1. 組織背景 : 成立於1987, 提供數位看板解決方案,

2. 產品&服務 :
產品 :
數位看板軟體平台InfoChannel5, 包含幾個部分 :
1. InfoChannel Content Manager : 提供數位看板播放與排程管理平台.
2. InfoChannel Designer : 動態數位內容建置solution.
3. InfoChannel Player : 播放由Designer(或其它符合規格的creater)所製作的內容, 由Content Manager來管理播放的運行程序.
4. InfoChannel Module : EX Module是以上三者的選擇性的軟體配件, 視需要添購.

服務 :
1. 內容服務 : 在內容製作上提供Templates, Starter Script, Deluxe Script, Script Makeover
2. 技術服務 : 提供Consulting, System configuration, Custom Scripting/Programming, Installation Support.
3. 為以上服務提供教育訓練課程.

3. 應用案例 :
1. 零售商 : IKEA, NorgesGruppen, Sainsbury's Convenience, Kerkrade, T-Mobile, Lamcy Plaza’s

2. 企業 : Novartis, McKee Foods, BAE SYSTEMS, Ameritech, GM and Ericsson

3. 政府 : 公共電視節目, 國內意外事件, 聯邦代理資訊監控, 及時氣象預報, 研討會地點程序表, 航班, 意外逃生地圖, 公共告示

4. 電纜數位看板 : 社團看板與公告, 圖片廣告頻道, 頻道大綱列表, 新聞與氣象, 學校結業或氣象警告, 區域運動分數, 在美國和加拿大, 安珀警戒(AMBER Alert)是當國內確認發生兒童綁架案時, 透過各種媒體向社會大眾傳播的一種警戒告知.

5. 教育 : On-air community bulletin boards, Campus information monitors , Campus TV networks , Interactive kiosks , School news and weather emergencies , Local and academic event calendars , Sports scores, morning announcements , Homework assignments , Notifying community of school closings.

6. 超市 :
Interactive kiosks at the Deli counter , Weekly, daily or even hourly price specials , National brand advertising in a local store , Department focused messages , LCD advertising at the point of purchase , Retail TV networks.

7. 接待客人 : Interactive kiosks for directions and reservations , Resort hotel amenities , In-room casino gaming instructions , Hotel schedules for business meetings.

8. 運輸 : UK Airports , Königsberg Airport , Istanbul Atatürk Airport , Olaya Herrera Airport , Passenger Services at Dubai Airport.

9. 健康照護 : Holzer Clinics , Monopoly Media , emebaVet , Moroccan Pharmacies , Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.

(資料來源 :

2008年8月17日 星期日

Ralph Lauren

1. 組織背景 :
Ralph Lauren是一跨國精品聯鎖店, 配合國際活動(各種區域或全球性的運動會或商業展示), 在該活動範圍的商店, 架設互動式數位看板, 不僅提供活動相關資訊, 帶給遊客諮詢上的方便, 也展示相關商品, 達到廣告的效益.

2. 產品&服務 :
在商店櫥窗架設數位看板 : 互動式商店櫥窗 , 透過顧客手指的點擊 , 進行商品的瀏覽與消費 , 讓消費者能夠日以繼夜的進行購物行為。如果他們在百貨公司打烊後仍然想要購買 , 可以透過觸控式櫥窗上的信用卡線上交易系統 , 直接在玻璃窗上付費交易。接著顧客們透過客服確認後 , 就能在家中等待該項購買的商品宅配到府。

3. 應用案例 :

資料來源 :


1. 組織背景 :
TruMedia早期是替以色列政府所使用的安全監控系統為基礎,後來開發民用版的客戶辨識裝置。TruMedia目前正在替「Adspace Networks」進入測試,在Adspace於全美設立的30多個大型多媒體看板上加裝辨識分析系統。Adspace的看板多用於播放商場折扣訊息、DVD及電影廣告和其他商品資訊。

2. 產品&服務 :

透過即時觀看(顧客)偵測與分析(real-time measurement & analysis)技術 , 了解更多他們的資訊 , 透過分析進而與關看者互動 , 所獲得的資訊包括 :
• 哪些人是客戶
• 多少人在看廣告
• 他們在哪裡看
• 他們為何要看
• 他們花多久時間再注意廣告

3. 應用案例 :
在2007 Scala EMEA合作會議上,TruMedia技術公司和Scala建立合作,在歐洲、中東和非洲市場推行TruMedia iCapture實時觀衆測量系統。TruMedia介紹了the iCapture PROM,一種程序應用交互系統(API),可以實時集成實時觀衆測量系統和Scala數字告示系統平台的5頻道信息。使用PROM,數字告示的内容被收集,并和收視觀衆人口統計進行比較,實現真正主動的廣告。
Scala CEO,Gerard Bucas表示我們對TruMedia的實時觀衆測量系統印象十分深刻,并且很高興能爲Scala的合作夥伴提供一個觀衆測量的機會,并且能準确的知道他們的内容被多少人觀看,從而實現廣告效益的最大化。TruMedia CEO,Moti Gura表示PROM的推行将是數字告示産業的一場革命,可以提供實時的廣告内容在合适的時間給合适的觀衆。TruMedia可以提供最尖端的觀衆測量系統,接下來就是PROM。
TruMedia PROM是iCapture觀衆測量解決方案功能的一部分,這個方案通過對正在觀看顯示屏人群進行分析确定目标人群,從而可以對數字告示、産品、和窗口顯示屏産生真實的觀看數據。目标人群可以分析,從而掌握關鍵業務信息,如:觀衆的數量和個性化信息,包括性别,年齡的人口統計。TruMedia的産品因保護受衆的隐私而備受推崇,不錄播一個畫面,不摘錄任何一個特定數據。

iCapture : 

數位看板上安裝廣域像機, 能接收到大視野的觀眾觀看的資訊, 用以進行觀眾的統計分析, 以報表來說明廣告的效益.


iCapture藉由專利影片分析技術,自iCapture Cam拍攝的影片中自動偵測並追蹤觀眾的面孔。這個專為克服不良光源條件設計的高解析度廣角專利攝影機,可在高達125度可視角、距螢幕20呎的距離下捕捉觀眾的人臉。iCapture Cam同時結合嵌入式iCapture SmartBox影片處理器,自動處理真正面向顯示器的人臉計數、及其觀賞時間,而及時分類演算法可更進一步指出觀眾的性別和年齡層。這些資訊透過網路傳送到TruMedia入口資料庫。使用者可以安全地透過標準網路瀏覽器登入,產生或顯示針對時間或內容的詳細報告。而多個使用者可同時連到Portal,並在線上產生、顯示、發表報告,或以email方式收取報告。


iGaze : 


iGaze分析人們觀看陳列架的臉部畫面計算消費者對於產品和櫥窗的行為資訊。藉由專利影片分析技術,對iGaze小型攝影機拍攝到的畫面自動偵測並追蹤觀眾的面孔。根據消費者所站的位置和面對的方向測量他所注意的一或多種商品。而這些人臉影像及時經由iCapture SmartBox影片處理器加以分析,計算出真正面向顯示器的人臉計數、及其觀賞時間,更進一步指出觀眾的性別、種族和年齡層。這些資訊透過網路傳送到TruMedia資料庫。使用者可以安全地透過網路瀏覽器登入伺服器得到針對時間或內容的詳細報告。而多個使用者可同時連到Portal,在線上或email方式收取報告。


iCapture Mini : 


iCapture Mini結合一或兩個iCapture Mini Cam和一個iCapture SmartBox。從能處理不良光源條件的廣角攝影機(iCapture Mini Cam)擷取到的高解析度影像,經由電纜傳送到150公尺內的影像處理器(iCapture SmartBox),計算出有多少正面面向攝影機的面孔及其駐足的時間,同時分辨觀看者的性別與年齡層。這些資料透過網路傳送到TruMedia資料庫和報告伺服器,使用者可以使用瀏覽器登入,並得到針對廣告內容、陳列物、觀看時間的顧客回饋報告。

iCapture Mini可判斷某一顧客所注意的兩種以上的商品,但不需要觀眾的配合來得到數據,從而提供正確不帶偏見的資訊,精準度超越其他直接或間接的測量技術,年齡層分類的正確率達85%,而人數計算、性別分類的正確率都達90%。而透過這些人口統計和觀賞時間的計算,零售商可以正確判斷媒體撥放效益、調整螢幕位置以得到更大曝光率、針對目前顧客的特徵及時調整媒體內容、並有助於訂定更好的廣告計畫。


藉由專利影像分析技術,iCap從一或兩個裝設在磁點的小型攝影機捕捉高解析度畫面,並使用iCapture SmartBox影像處理器自動偵測並追蹤畫面中的人臉,計算共有多少人正面面對鏡頭、分別看了多少時間、同時判別這些人的性別、年齡層和族群。這些資訊經由網路送往TruMedia資料庫,可透過瀏覽器安全地取得詳細的消費者行為報告。伺服器允許多個使用者同時在線上或透過email取得報告。



1. 組織背景 :
GestureTek是一家加拿大的神奇公司,專門在做跟Camera互動有關的技術。像是利用投影機跟camera讓玩家跟地上的影像互動的GroundFX技術,致力於開發動作感知技術及其商業應用的公司。其核心技術是一項名為Gesturepoint的美國國家專利。Gesturepoint技術在於實現通過人體的肢體運動來取代鼠標、鍵盤等輸入設備,從而更好地實現人機互動,為客戶提供更有趣的體驗。 GestureTek公司目前在全球1600個城市設有分公司或代表處,其產品線涵蓋手機、戶外展示及展覽、娛樂等多個領域。

2. 產品&服務 :

3. 應用案例 :

• GestPoint : 無須任何接觸與手持設備, 就可以捕捉姿勢移動特徵

• Illuminate : 藉由互動的操作來導覽介紹, ex: Kiosk

• GesttureFX : 地板 , 桌面 , (投影)牆 , 螢幕等互動廣告與娛樂技術

• GesttureXtreme : 互動式娛樂與教育產品

• GesttureTek Health : 醫療輔助
• GesttureTek Mobile : 手勢操控行動裝置

資料來源 :

2008年8月14日 星期四

Acrossmedia (歐沅)

1. 組織背景 :
•Acrossmedia是 POPAI (Point of Purchase Advertising International)的會員之一
2. 產品&服務 :
•主要業務 :
–廣告設計製作 :
•利用Acrossmedia模組化系統 , 客戶可自己製作新廣告
–數位看板支援處理元內部通訊(Inter-Process Communication ,IPC) :
3. 應用案例 :
•丹麥 : 丹麥7-Eleven, Billund機場, 丹麥國家鐵路局DSB, 丹麥公司Telia, 雪鐵龍汽車, etc.

•台灣 : 興農生鮮超市 (中台灣第1大連鎖超市)

資料來源 :

2008年8月11日 星期一

DigitalSignageToday 2008/07/14

IBM webinar reveals self-service trends
許多公司已採用員工臉辨識服務, 這類自我服務機制開始盛行, 2010年75%美國零售商店內會有數位顯示器.

Titan invests millions in digital signage rollout
Titan Outdoor是英國一間提供廣告解決方案的廠商

World's largest digital sign nears completion in Times Sq.
Minicom expands to India with new digital signage rep
Strategy Institute lines up digital signage branding program
IDS Menus, restaurant supplier partner for digital menu boards
Ripple digital signage rolls out bagel restaurant partnership

ADFLOW Networks, Inc.
1. 互動式銷售à證明能增加消費衝動
2. 容易,及時且彈性的更新目標銷售與處銷方案
3. 娛樂與吸引顧客
4. 減少意識上的等待
5. 銷售廣告, 品牌的行銷與定位
6. 容易使用,低成本

Choosing the right connection for digital signage networks
Cables, Wi-Fi transmitters and cellular units each offer unique ways of linking screens to networks. Read the full story
1. Wireless(Wi-Fi)
2. Cable
3. Cellular

Helius digital signage solutions Proven Digital Signage Technology that is both easy and powerful. Out-of-the-box or custom solutions available. Communicate. Influence. Sell.

Walsh WirelessWalsh Wireless brings you next-generation, "limitless" wireless solutions by utilizing our partnerships with best-of-breed technology companies, hardware, software, services, and platform suppliers. The result? An integrated, seamless, 5-Star experience to wireless enablement.

Interactive Displays
Interactive displays empower customers to get involved - from touchscreens to mobile devices to kiosks, adding interactivity to a digital signage network opens up new worlds of possibility for both business and consumer. More publications

CoolSign® digital signage software from Planar Systems With its user-friendly interface and rich functionality, CoolSign enables every-day users to display, distribute and control digital media easily from a central location.
More info
將對的訊息在對的時間傳給需要的人, 客制化的部分包括 :
1. 位置
2. 每天的那些時間
3. 每週的那些日子
4. 市場狀況
5. 庫存改變
6. POS資料等

CE labs / Cable Electronics High quality manufacturer of audio/video distribution and amplifiers. Cable Electronics also offers electronic merchandising solutions such as digital signage and interactive displays.
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Audio/video傳播產品的製造, 電子化生產解決方案, 完整的數位看板套裝軟體

NetFaze Technologies, Inc. From developing and managing the content to deployment and maintenance of the signage network, NetFaze Technologies, Inc. has developed a solution to maximize impact and increase profits.
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是數位看板與Kiosk解決方案的廠商, 提供end-to-end完全的解決方案.

Genr8 will help drive eyeballs and revenue to your siteGenr8 understands the context that new media is operating within and the content that new media platforms are looking for.
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開發5秒到5分鐘的內容, 包含:
1. 極至運動
2. 最新時尚
3. 名人, 歌星與娛樂
4. 新聞
5. 全球旅遊
6. 健康議題
7. 烹調
8. 奢華品
9. 高品質內容客制化圖案

Turnkey digital signage that ROCKS! Halsted has it! Content design/management, high definition monitors, sound systems . . . the entertainment your customers expect and the marketing and promotional tool you need!
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Microspace Communication Corp.
The world's largest provider of broadcast video, data and audio satellite services for business applications. Our services are received by more than 300,000 receive sites every day!
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Delaware benefits from self-serve ticket kiosks (Self-Service World)
Healthcare organization rolling out 90 kiosks at 60 clinics (Kiosk Marketplace)
Ski tickets from a kiosk you trust (
TRM Corp. stock delisted (ATM Marketplace)
Trying on Clothes, 2.0 (Retail Customer Experience)
Going ape over LCDs at the zoo (Digital Signage Association)

DigitalSignageToday 2008/07/09

Ripple digital signage rolls out bagel restaurant partnership
Ripple網路設置在餐廳商店人群處,報導客制化的新聞、天氣與娛樂等訊息,針對客戶群是 “動態的”及 “快速走動的”行人。

Keywest intros HD-Video POD for digital signage

Keywest Technology是數位內容平台商,他啟動了HD-Video POD(高解析度的數位看板內容播放器)的商業模式,透過WiFi與Ethernet, 可遠端執行多點控制與更新。
Digital signage innovations create fashion-forward displays
Charter Digital Media selects RMS technology
Charter Digital Media(CDM)是一間美國銷售管理, 行銷與顧問公司,致力於數位媒體與戶外網路,選擇了rVue (RMS Networks' ad and content serving technology)當作他們的戶外網路。目前,CDM相當於國內的,整體區域性與地區性的數位媒體,私人電視網路提供者,為廣眾,自動零售電,醫療照護,運動娛樂,購物城與室內廣告商等提供服務, 在rVue上,CDM能透過Internet,衛星與DVD來遞送與管理他們客戶的廣告內容。

New fanless PC supports Intel Core 2 Duo processor
SlipStream launches Pharmacy TV network
Mercedes Belgium to install showroom digital signage

Scala InfoChannel® powers the digital signage networks of Rabobank, IKEA, Bloomberg, Burger King, T-Mobile, Virgin MegaStore, EuroDisney, Kiwi, McDonald's, Warner Brothers, Santiago Airport, Ericsson, The Life Channel, Rikstoto, FuelCast, Repsol, Shell, NorgesGruppen, Wall Street Journal Office Network, and many more.
Scala是世界級的數位看板軟體解決方案廠商, 提供高穩定性, 容易使用, 高彈性與擴張性的產品給客戶; Scala將數位看板部署在零售商, 學校, 娛樂廠所, 政府部門與其他產業; 例如Rabobank, IKEA, Bloomberg, Burger King, T-Mobile, Virgin MegaStore, EuroDisney, Kiwi, McDonalds, Warner Brothers, Shell, Santiago Airport, Ericsson等, InfoChannel是一個數位看板管理系統.

New applications show potential of mobile-driven signage
Companies are investing more as content, interactivity improve. Read the full story

Digital AV joins Digital Signage Association Digital AV announced its membership in the Digital Signage Association for 2008. They are a Master Scala, LG and Equus Integrator, headquartered in Fort Wayne, Ind. Visit or call 260-485-5400
Digital AV是動態數位看板廠商, 產品包括軟硬體, 訓練系統, 內容開發與管理.

Enterprise Power for a Single LocationSceneStudio allows you to create enterprise-quality multimedia messages for one or a small number of displays and it's so easy to use anyone can modify the message every day.

Interactive Displays
Interactive displays empower customers to get involved - from touchscreens to mobile devices to kiosks, adding interactivity to a digital signage network opens up new worlds of possibility for both business and consumer. More publications

BroadSign International The BroadSign Suite is an ASP-based software solution for operating digital signage networks. It is used to manage media, space inventory and execute media campaigns.
More info
BroadSign是一間數位看板軟體公司, 提供on-demand軟體解決方案來管理數位看板網路, 網路維運人員使用BroadSign提供的SaaS解決方案, 來設定與管理他們數位看板網路.

ChyTV A high-performance, low-cost video graphics system for digital signage and television information displays. Easy to use, powerful and flexible.
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ChyTV是電視看板(video signage)的廠商, 將廣告置入於DVDs,VCRs等多媒體上, 疊印(superimpose)在電影節目中.

Audio Video Interactive Inc.AVI offers digital signage solutions for retail, kiosk, vending and other digital signage applications. Complete and customizable digital signage solutions.
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AVI是一間數位看板廠商, 提供創新與全套的數位看板解決方案, 包括設計硬體與線上內容管理軟體.

The MediaTile Company MediaTile's cellular-digital-signage enables companies of all types to deploy digital signage networks in far more places, in much less time, and realize ROI sooner.
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MediaTile提供cellular-based看板解決方案, 該平台稱作“Digital Sign in a Box”, 將網路存取控制器, 多媒體播放器與LCD整合在一起, 只要插上電源, 就可以運作.

Remote Media - signagelive Simple and scaleable low-cost SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) Digital Signage software platform, Web-based, no upfront costs with more than 4,000 customers worldwide.
提供網路數位看板SaaS平台, 主打便宜的解決方案.

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LocalVision is a full service digital signage management company. Our industry experts will share vital information how to make your network successful. We feature hardware and software solutions specific to the needs of your business.

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Brand Activation Using Digital Out-of-Home Media
The hottest and fastest growing medium today. Get in on the action and Register Today for this Summit.

Macy's doubles size of Zoomsystems kiosk deployment (Self-Service World)
Computer Warehouse unveils new self-service solutions (Kiosk Marketplace)
User interfaces: Keep it simple (
Fiserv acquires GMT's CashMaster product (ATM Marketplace)
USPS updates tech with NCR (Retail Customer Experience)
The lowdown on Microsoft Surface touch tables (Digital Signage Association)

DigitalSignageToday 2008/07/07

Plasma, LCDs blamed for accelerating global warming
環保議題:用來製造面板的NF3氣體,會造成臭氧層破壞與global warming。
New fanless PC supports Intel Core 2 Duo processor
SlipStream launches Pharmacy TV network
SlipStream開啟了Pharmacy Television Network計畫,室內電視網路,建置在國內的藥局,向特定的顧客行銷。
Mercedes Belgium to install showroom digital signage
Mercedes-Benz 選擇iDklic在比利時,佈局自動化生產的第一台數位看板網路。
PRN to develop Condé Nast content for Checkout TV network
PRN與Condé Nast聯手開發在全國超市裡的付費電視網路
Educators embrace Cisco Digital Media System for classrooms, campuses

Adtec DigitalThe edje4111 HD is a digital media player for AVC/H.264 and MPEG 2 high definition and standard definition file playback and IP stream decoding. The edje 4111 HD automatically can scale the content to match your output target up to 1080i for outstanding HD playback.
Edje4111 HD是一種數位媒體播放器。藉由mediaControl軟體的控制,在其上的媒體資料可以容易被下載、管理與播放排程。

New applications show potential of mobile-driven signage
Companies are investing more as content, interactivity improve. Read the full story
SeeSaw Networks提供使用者,用手機直接編輯網頁資料(ex: Facebook)。

Minicom Advanced Systems Leader in the development of advanced multimedia distribution systems for digital signage networks. More than 100,000 screens worldwide display multimedia content via Minicom technology.
Minicom Advanced Systems是多媒體傳播系統廠商,也生產KVM server。

Give Your Lobby a Digital MakeoverUse SceneStudio to greet visitors and get them the timely information they need. The low cost, easy-to-use application allows anyone to quickly update engaging, multimedia messages that get noticed.
SceneStudio是容易使用的數位看板solution, 可以呈現image, text, flash等。

Automotive Sales: How to Rev Them Up with Digital Signage
People approach car shopping with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Many auto dealers have learned than an effective use of digital signage can help by answering shopper questions, educating buyers about car features, and showcasing models with dazzling images and videos.More publications

Pallyn International Service and engineering organization providing end-to-end communications solutions for domestic and international applications.
More info
Pallyn International, Inc. 是一間提供服務與工程的組織,提供國內或國際點對點溝通應用。

SeeSaw Networks Discover the only out-of-home digital media company that makes it easy to plan, buy and measure the world's most extensive network of venues through
More info

The Telos Network (TTN)
Leading supplier of digital out-of-home solutions, we are consumer focused, and commence problem solving with the viewer in mind instead of the host location. More info

Redbox delays IPO prospectus (Self-Service World)
First wave of Kaiser hospital kiosks deployed (Kiosk Marketplace)
Kaiser Permanente提供觸控面板的kiosks到藥局、門診與醫院等醫療機構。
Underbanked customers keep the lights on with self-service bill-payment kiosks (
減少民眾出門交通的困擾,Arizona Public Service提供提款機kiosks
KeyBank replaces older ATMs with Diebold Optevas (ATM Marketplace)
Nintendo solves return dilemma (Retail Customer Experience)
The lowdown on Microsoft Surface touch tables (Digital Signage Association)

DigitalSignageToday 2008/07/03

The Top 10 Most Popular on DigitalSignageToday for June

The Top 10 Downloaded Publications
Advertising with Digital Signage
The Top 5 Reasons to Buy Commercial Grade Screens for Digital Signage
Large-Scale Digital Signage Deployments
Digital Signage and ROI
Retail Digital Signage
Digital Signage Project Planning
Software for Digital Signage
Content and Content Management for Digital Signage
Digital Signage: The State of the Art and the Promise for the Next Five Years
Interactive Displays

The Top 10 Articles
The push for digital signage metrics
Trends in casino digital signage
Top 10 deployment pitfalls
十大不侷陷阱:1.缺乏清楚目標 2.把數位刊版當成IT的專案來做 3.缺乏內容 4. 沒有人被安排負責這個專案5.沒有人更新內容 6.選一個便宜的解決方案 7.不知道招牌要放哪裡 8.實體安裝時,遇到的環境週邊問題需清楚 9.錯估學習新領域的時間 10.設計階段錯估未來的擴展性
Samsung to deliver Las Vegas outdoor digital ad network
Samsung與Las Vegas Strip合作,提供70”的數位刊版廣告,內容談及系統設計的細節
Digital signage book a 'must read'
必讀聖經:Digital Signage: Software, Networks, Advertising, and Displays: A Primer for Understanding the Business” (NAB Executive Briefing Series) by Jimmy Schaeffler is published by Focal Press.
Digital signage provides 20 percent sales increase for PDM
註:Product data management(PDM):系統是用以組織、存取與管控所有製造
INFOCOMM: Digital signage meets A/V
InfoComm放棄傳統的Audio/Visual整合showcase, 改採新的digital signage規格
IBM, announce free webinar on reaching the 'new consumer'
Cisco launches interactive feature for Digital Media System
Cisco所實施的Digital Media System (DMS)計畫,目的是讓使用者增加銷售、強化他們顧客的體驗並幫助學習。
PRN and AP to run news content on Checkout TV screens
Premier Retail Networks Inc. (PRN)是一間數位媒體解決方案公司,是全世界最大的checkout TV network。
Wireless Ronin Technologies Launch your in-store marketing and advertising campaigns into the digital age. Create, deliver and schedule your content when and where you want it - to your captive target market.

The Top 10 Research Centers
Menu Boards
Display Technology
Customer Experience
Video Gallery
Interactive Displays

The Top 10 Company Showcases
LG Electronics
ADFLOW- Digital Signs/Interactive Displays
BroadSign International Inc.
Planar Systems
InfoComm International
Audio Video Interactive Inc.

Nanonation - Experience Driven SoftwareWith proven solutions that span the digital reach of consumers, Nanonation's software delivers powerful messaging and integrated marketing services seamlessly across your enterprise - all while monitoring, measuring, and managing each customer interaction. For case studies and experienced insight, visit

The Top 10 Products
CoolSign® digital signage software
HDTV Distribution Over Cat5
Digital Signage & Kiosk Software - Nanopoint
32" Sunlight Readable LCD
註:Sunlight Readable display表示在低光環境,lcd的亮度高,但在光源充分的環境,如室外陽光下,lcd特殊的薄摩設計將降低陽光的反射,使lcd影像不受到影響。
23" Media Player
Scala InfoChannel® Designer
30 Second Clip Content, electronic delivery
Mondo Matrix Scalable Cat5 Video Matrix Switch
AV & UTP Video Splitters
42" Class (42.0" Diagonal) LCD Widescreen HD Monitor with Built-In Controller

DigitalSignageToday 2008/07/02

Harrah's signs with EnQii-powered Casino Channel Network
Casino Channel Network(CCN)是一個數位廣告刊版公司,Harrah's Entertainment是一間位於Loa vegas的飯店,兩者簽約, CCN將數位刊版、無線設備與網路三合一成新媒體。CNN使他的廣告客戶能透過手機,提供新的(廣告)資訊或是完成交易,CCN與Harrah二者將能締造更有商機的廣告模式。
PRN to develop Condé Nast content for Checkout TV network
Premier Retail Networks Inc. (PRN) 是一間提供數為媒體解決方案給零售商與雜誌的廣告公司,網路出版商Condé Nast Publications計畫提供客制內容給PRN在全國超市的結帳台電視網路刊版
Educators embrace Cisco DMS for classrooms, campuses
OVAB adds six high-profile digital signage members
Out-of-Home Video Advertising Bureau(OVAB)是一間廣告平台中間上,連接廣告設備承租商與廣告商,將CNN Airport Network, Danoo, EnQii, NBC Everywhere, PumpTop TV 與 Ripple等六間數位廣告商納入自己的客戶群。
Scala supports Windows Vista with latest InfoChannel release
Scala, Inc. 是集中式管理的數位刊版軟體企業,提供end-to-end的解決方案, 販售的InfoChannel軟體可以從XP 移植到Vista
Flasma in-ground digital signage used for art display
Gas Station TV: Shorter ads mean better recall
VIDEO: LG screen tech at InfoComm


Scala InfoChannel® powers the digital signage networks of Rabobank, IKEA, Bloomberg, Burger King, T-Mobile, Virgin MegaStore, EuroDisney, Kiwi, McDonald's, Warner Brothers, Santiago Airport, Ericsson, The Life Channel, Rikstoto, FuelCast, Repsol, Shell, NorgesGruppen, Wall Street Journal Office Network, and many more.
Scala InfoChannel的數位刊版網路應用:廣告呈現、觸控螢幕、零售商電視、Led帳單佈告欄、大廳刊版,數位型錄、互動式多媒體應用(kiosks)

USPS: Boosting customer experience with digital signage
An early adopter of digital signage, the USPS is using screens to change customer behavior for the better. USPS是一間快遞公司,利用數位刊版提供顧客更方便、快速與整合的郵遞服務,Read the full story

Pallyn International Pallyn International, Inc. is a service and engineering organization providing end-to-end communications solutions for domestic and international applications.
Pallyn International提供end-to-end communications solutions,包括服務與工程面,國內與跨國的應用。

Horizon TechnologyWith its customer centric model and fast response, Horizon Technology takes an unconventional approach to digital signage.
NEC Display Solutions certified
Touchscreen displays from 2.5" to 100"
Options; Touch, Protective Screen or Sunlight Readable
NEC的顯示solution命名為Horizon, 顯示器特點包括:15”到57”,傳輸方式包括:SAW、光纖、同軸電纜與resistive;整合安全玻璃;太陽光可讀(Sunlight readability);透過光學薄膜與背光的升級,提升亮度;設計與整合客制化的座台

Digital Signage Distribution
There is more to a digital signage network than meets the eye. Behind the scenes is an extensive network of distributors and resellers, working together to ensure that the final product comes together and is effective. Learn how to take advantage of hardware and software distribution networks for digital signage to ensure your next deployment is not only successful, but easy to achieve as well. 數位刊版出版,了解目前產業動態,各部分之間互動整合More publications

KioskCom - Self Service Expo Europe The European Digital Signage Show Self Service Technology, Kiosks & Digital Signage are revolutionizing customer Interaction across Europe - find out how 1-2 October, Olympia, London.
More info

1.傳播資訊 2.廣告提升消費 3.由第三方來提供廣告服務 4.強化顧客經驗 5.影響顧客行為 6.品牌建立 7. Follow through campaign information to in-store 8.環境改善

Remote Media - signagelive Simple and scaleable low-cost SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) Digital Signage software platform, Web-based, no upfront costs with more than 4,000 customers worldwide.
More info
Remote Media是一間數位刊版公司,提供web-based 數位刊版software as a service平台,稱為signagelive,它是簡單,可度量低成本的數位刊版solution, 無需預付款、低價硬體
Digital AV joins Digital Signage Association
Digital AV announced its membership in the Digital Signage Association. They are a Master Scala, LG and Equus Integrator, headquartered in Fort Wayne, Ind. Visit us or call 260-485-5400

Fujitsu self-checkout adds cashier support (Self-Service World)
Redbox delays IPO prospectus (Kiosk Marketplace)
The ever-changing definition of 'kiosk' (

可選擇付費或免費的方式,提供使用者列印COUPON、電子報、帳單、摸彩券、表格、參加證、票證…..等,列印的格式有三種:如統一發票大小之2.5吋寬的熱感紙,適用於COUPON、收執聯等、如公益彩券般大小之3.5吋的熱感紙,適用於中獎憑證 、門票等、B5至A4規格的影印紙張。
U.K. travelers face high ATM fees overseas (ATM Marketplace)
Social e-commerce sites tap into the shopper (Retail Customer Experience)
New report focuses on retail digital signage ROI (Digital Signage Association)