Vanguard of Digital Signage

2009年2月25日 星期三

觸控式數位看板 強打互動體驗

數位看板(Digital Signage)應用廣泛,已經成為工業電腦(IPC)業者共同瞄準的新目標市場,甚至連同面板製造商、嵌入式軟體業者及IC業者都鎖定這市場積極布局並提供多種解決方案。......

2009年2月16日 星期一





2009年1月9日 星期五


CognoVision是一間數位看板廠商, 提供觀眾偵測機制, 致力於測量與追蹤數位看板廣告案的效益, 主要產品 : AIM(Anonymous Impression Metric) View, 是一個廣告觀眾測量系統, 透過數位看板上加裝的光學設備, 偵測與追蹤觀眾的臉; 商業模式與Trumedia和Quividi相同; 針對數位看板Display所提供的商業情報(BI)包含以下:
  • Actual Impressions - The number of people who look at your displays
  • Length of Impressions - How long people look for
  • Potential Audience Size - The number of people who walk by
  • Dwell Time - How long people stay near your displays
  • Anonymous Demographics - Demographics of your audience (gender and age bracket)

AIM View所帶來的效益

  • Understanding ROI
  • Understanding ROO (Return on Objectives) such as changes in consumer behaviour
  • Determining the best locations for displays
  • Tailoring screen content based on audience characteristics
  • Providing proof of performance metrics for your displays
  • Understanding audience engagement levels
  • Comparing metrics with industry standards including CPM, CPP, and GRP
  • Offering pay-per-impression billing for achieved audience targets
  • Optimizing advertising based on accurate audience measurement data

AIM Traffic - Opportunities-to-See (OTS) Counter

AIM Traffic是用來算人流與判斷人流方向的設備, 架設在人的頭頂上, 當人走進或離開一個區域時, 就會被偵測與追蹤.


  • Understanding consumer shopping patterns
  • Monitoring the effects of advertising campaigns
  • Monitoring queue lengths and wait times
  • Optimizing allocation of sales and service personnel

AIM Analytics - Web-based Reporting Tool

報表系統, 可獲知數位看板的廣告效益與決策資訊

AIM Services

  • Maximize Advertising Potential

Maximize your advertising sales. AIM provides you with third-party metrics to maximize your advertising revenue. Base your advertising rates on industry standards including CPM, CPP, and GRP. Furthermore, rates can be charged for reaching a specified target audience, or based on audience behavior such as engagement and impact.

  • Designing & Planning Services

Be Proactive. Designing and planning a digital signage network deployment requires a thorough understanding of how your potential audience interacts with the physical surroundings in which the network will be installed. CognoVision's AIM system can optimize your network deployment by identifying the best locations for displays based on impressions, behavior and demographics. Optimize your network design based on accurate metrics before a complete deployment.

  • Validation Services

How effective is your signage? This is a critical question that AIM answers by providing quantified proof of performance data. AIM provides audience behavior information, including number of viewers, length of view time, potential audience size, dwell time, and more. Our solution also integrates with POS data to correlate viewership information with sales uplift data.

資料來源 :

2009年1月7日 星期三

2009 數位看板 十大趨勢

趨勢一 : 企業專注於"內容"

趨勢二 : 傳統的廣播式媒體將被取代

趨勢三 : 代理的經營模式建立
digital out of home ( DOOH)

趨勢四 : 品牌的新舞台

趨勢五 : 跨平台還有與手機互動能力

趨勢六 : 互動與資料分析

趨勢七 : DOOH提升資料驅動(data-driven)的內容或廣告搜尋

趨勢八 : Display與Player的降價

趨勢九 : 還未到成熟時期, 仍在錯誤嘗試中成長

趨勢十 : 相關廠商處於成長期

資料來源 :